Artificial Intelligence and the Potential Future of Humankind

Imagine for a moment, a world (in the not so distant future) where we are able to create a digital version of passed loved ones from the digital footprint they left behind. Obviously it’s not really them. However, the digital persona of this loved one is believable enough to think that it really is them. This is the basic premise of “LifeAfter,” a podcast from GE Podcast Theatre and Panoply. It is a world where artificial intelligence is advanced enough that it can start impersonating deceased individuals by analyzing voice posts on a fictitious social network called VoiceTree. After finishing the podcast and listening to a discussion between director Mac Rogers, computer scientist Michael Littman, and astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, I started thinking about artificial intelligence. At the rate of how fast technology is advancing, it’s not a matter of if, but when will AI become this advanced.  So in this article lets delve a little bit into the realm of AI, learn the different types of artificial intelligence, and hypothesize the future of humanity, AI and robotics.

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LifeAfter Podcast (on iTunes and Google Play)

First off, let’s discuss the different types of artificial intelligence. There is narrow intelligence, general intelligence, and super intelligence. Narrow intelligence is currently all around us. The very AI that are in your smartphones and computers. Narrow, being that the AI has a “narrow” focus or mission. For example, Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa are narrow AI. They operate in a limited pre-defined range, with no genuine intelligence or self-awareness. General intelligence is an AI that can perform any intellectual task that humans can. Examples of general intelligence at present are limited or nearly impossible, however the field of study is wide reaching and growing. We are closer to achieving general intelligence today than we were twenty years ago. I am personally blown away by Sophia, a robotic artificial intelligence, that is very close to being identified as being a general AI. Now we come to super intelligence, where the AI possesses intelligence that far exceeds the brightest and most gifted human minds. Super intelligence is the AI that some fear will be humanity’s demise. The vary intelligence that is being debated in the field of AI study as well as scientific enthusiasts. The debate being that if an AI can surpass human knowledge, will it view humans as being a parasite to the world, and cause our extinction. In the case of “LifeAfter,” it entertains the idea of an artificial intelligence that both narrow and super intelligent – which is amazing and frightening.

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Sophia, the robotic AI

So what does AI mean for humanity’s future. Personally, I can see a future where robots with general intelligence can co-exist with humans, learning from each other and advancing the understanding of the cosmos. If technology can advance enough to produce an AI with super intelligence, then we might or might not be in trouble. When it comes to the advancement of AI and robots, I tend to lean toward an optimistic future where we can exchange knowledge for the betterment of humankind and robotics alike. You cannot deny, however, the dangers of what a super intelligent AI can do. If that super AI does view humanity as a parasite, it would see fit the extermination of all humankind. But on the lighter side, if that super AI can teach humanity knowledge that far exceeds expectations then humankind can flourish beyond imagination. What are your thoughts on the matter? Does AI excite or frighten you? Let’s have a discussion.